Wednesday, July 23, 2014

25 things I learned about myself while 25

On my 26th Birthday. Thoughts and things I learned about myself while 25. 

  1. You can do all the "right" things, and bad things can still happen.
  2. Chocolate should not be in every meal of the day. Eat a banana.
  3. Not saying something can be sometimes as bad as saying something.
  4. No one is "ready" to be a parent. Roll with the punches and take one day at a time. Or you will drive yourself nuts. (Nutter than the Mad hatter)
  5. When people older than you tell you time speeds up as you age, they are correct. It is especially bad when you don't remember how old you are going to be turning. Don't take life for granted. (Or that youthful energy that fades fast)
  6. Living as a hermit is usually not a good thing. People worry. You can become a bit grumpy and start to resemble an angry bear that hasn't seen sunlight. So, go outside a bit. Meet up with friends and family. It may be painful mentally, but it usually is ok once you get there.
  7. Exercise is good. Fun? Sometimes. But always GOOD. Find something you enjoy that is active and do it! You probably won't regret it.
  8. Whatever your talent is, DO IT! Yes YOU! God gave you some type of talents/gifts, use them!
  9. People are important. Think about others. Do things for others, because sometimes (most times) they are going through stuff worse than you and could use a hand.
  10. Being 25 does not feel like being 20. Things break down. (see #7)
  11. A bad day can usually be made better with three smiling kids (or two sleeping kids), a sweet Hubby, coffee, and chocolate (yes this conflicts slightly with #2, but not entirely).
  12. A good husband can be hard for some to find, thank God daily and treasure the amazing one you have. It also helps to have a buffer when the kiddos go a little crazy =)
  13. You are ultimately the one responsible for how you act. Yes things can be utterly horrible around you, but you decide how you will respond. And if you mess up and act poorly, apologize and try to respond better next time.
  14. True friends are understanding and uplifting. But can tell you like it is in a loving way. Don't think they don't care if they say something you don't want to hear. Sometimes the truth hurts. Hurts a lot. But denial can be devastating in the long run.
  15. A wet slobbery kiss from a child is priceless. Yucky, but wonderful at the same time. (other fabulous things related to little kiddos in no particular order: chunky baby thighs, big toothy grins, little hands and feet, being called Momma, a big gummy grin, teaching them something and the excited look on their face when they get it, big hugs and cuddles, and the way they just love you whole-heartedly)
  16. It is ok to ask for help. It is not ok to take advantage of people. Learn the difference.
  17. If you don't use your brain you loose your---what was I saying again?
  18. T.V. and books are not good substitutes for people. (see #6,9)
  19. Children grow up so fast. Be apart of their lives. If you aren't there for them, who or what is going to be the one influencing them? (be sure to remember how wonderful #15 is)
  20. It's good to have dreams and goals. But don't forget about life happening around you. Go be apart of it.
  21. Living on social media is NOT living. (Yes this one is a bit of a hypocritical statement, oh well).
  22. Don't put things off to the last moment. Stop being lazy. No excuses.
  23. Cuddles and time spent with the Hubby are NOT to be taken for granted.
  24. Find a little time to be alone and treasure that time. Recharge. Pray. Sing. Draw. You NEED that time so that you can be the best YOU that you can be for your family.
  25. You are capable of more when you trust and rely on God than when you fumble around on your own.

Hope for this next year while 26: Grow closer to God, my Hubby, and my 3 kids. I hope and pray God will give me the strength, wisdom, and guidance to learn from this list of 25 things.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Ian's 3rd birthday!

My oldest little guy is three today. It is kinda strange, yet not at the same time. He was just a baby, and now he is a toddler. I am holding his sleeping little brother Isaac, thinking about how I used to hold Ian and look at him while he slept. And now, I am lucky if I can catch him for a hug. Ian won't be small forever. I am going to enjoy the moments for as long as I can. Happy birthday to my first baby <3

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Check out this article about modern day slavery

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What I know...

Sometimes you think you know what has happened in different situations, and then the rug gets pulled out from under you. It's like you are seeing things for the first time. And what you are seeing isn't pretty. It's times like these that force me to make a choice: keep faith or become so mad it destroys me.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The truth about PAITENCE.

The truth about Patience.

I don't have any.
That's it.
Ok, not really.

But it feels that way.

One moment I feel normal, centered. And then the next I loose my cool, patience gone. Bye bye, out the window.

When I was a younger woman, naive to what being a wife and mom would entail, I thought I had patience to spare.

And maybe I did.
But only during that time in my life.

I believe that God brings you to this place where you have to rely on Him to "borrow" some of His patience to get through each day.

Does it mean that if I pray about it my problems go away?

Sometimes, but usually no.

For me this means that even if the day gets worse, my heavenly Daddy is there to lean on. And He is willing to share my burdens. Little or big.

psalm  27:5
For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.

psalm 32:7
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

Luke 11:9
“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Life is short. Treasure each moment <3

If someone had asked me before I had children what I thought would be the most difficult thing about being a momma, I probably would have said something about changing diapers or middle of the night feedings. I would not have thought about the times the little ones cried in a car ride while I was driving and unable to help them. Or when I would go somewhere and have to breastfeed in the van, hoping no one could see me. Having to "arrange" time alone with the hubby. Or when the children would cry and cry and nothing would comfort them. So I would just hold them, and rock and bounce until they fell asleep. After all of that, among many other things that are not pleasant, I would start to wonder is this all worth it? I am so tired and grumpy it doesn't seem like things could ever get better. I was forever going to be the lady with the dark circles under the eyes, spit up stains on her shirts, and two kids attached to her hip. I mean, come on! Is this how it is supposed to be? Am I ever going to have a moment to myself? The batbroom isn't even a safe zone anymore. =( It is at these moments I see their little faces looking up at me in such adoration. I am their Momma. The woman who takes care of them when their tummy's hurt, or if they scrape a knee. Their comforting arms when sleepy or sick. The soothing voice when they are upset. Bringer of food when hungry. Teacher of new things. And buddy to play with when lonely. These sweet little guys, so innocent in their need for me, have brought so much joy into my life. They have taught me to smile in the tough times, to be calm when all I want to do is cry, and to stop and enjoy the moments I have with them right now. These moments are going to be gone sooner than I would like. Until then, I am going to try my hardest to treasure these precious kids I have been blessed with.
David Renshaw

Newest addition to our family, Isaac. Born 11/25/13, 7lb 5oz 21 in. Life has become more complicated, but it is all worth it when he smiles =)