Sunday, July 26, 2015
Friday, July 24, 2015
26 things I was grateful for while 26
On my 27th Birthday I thought of these:
26 things I was grateful for while 26, in no particular order because my mind is everywhere: (If any look like a repeat, I'm just really grateful for that one...haha).
1. Coffee pots that can be set like an alarm clock, so I can wake up to the wonderful (and much needed) beverage. (half Cuban here)
2. Kids who still like to snuggle. (I hear this doesn't always happen, and that the window for this is short). Guess I'm weird, because I would still snuggle with my mom.
3. Impromptu dance parties in the kitchen as a family. (Good exercise and of course hilarious to watch and be apart of).
4. Family and the gatherings we have. (This one for a number of reasons depending on the type of gathering and persons in attendance ;), entertainment/comedy acts, food, sharing recent stories, playmates for kiddos, food, lounging on couch just talking or playing the Wii, food, etc....)
5. Chocolate. Enough said.
6. Friends who are like family. (Laugh with you, cry with you, sometimes for the same thing). Honest with you, even if the truth hurts.
7. Two vehicles that can fit our family. (Always good to have a spare if you can).
8. For being, overall, a glass mostly full kinda gal. (Actually very thankful God made me this way. I like to think most thing are like a puzzle. There are pieces that He let's me see and put in place. Then there is the whole picture, which He sees perfectly and is in control of. I am happy that He is in control of the whole picture and not me). Although, watch out if it's a half empty kinda day!
9. Little kiddos who really want to help do chores. (Now to cultivate this and not be discouraged when the broom handle knocks things off the counters, or the floor in the kitchen is soaked after doing dishes).
10. Choir and listening to the praise team on Sundays. (Singing worship songs to God in a group has always felt like a little bit of heaven to me). Music is an experience I thoroughly enjoy with my whole self.
11. Technology to stay close to people. (Apps are fun and addicting, masquerading as productivity. And social media is great in a stalker-ish way. I'm just glad to have the option to choose who gets to stalk me...haha).
12. My home. (All the love and memories spent here ♡)
13. The creativity given to me by God to put to various mediums the things He inspires me with. (Now to try and focus on one thing at a time. My mind is everywhere...yep like Dory from finding nemo, including mild memory
14. Being a momma to two silly little boys and one silly adult girl ♡
Being a Mimi (grandma) to a sweet little baby boy ♡
15. The thoughfulness of the people in my life (family and friends).
16. Air Conditioning. (How people lived in Florida without it is amazing. Yes, they didn't know any different, but can you say "hot flash", lol).
17. For basic cooking knowledge. (My family and I like food, so it's nice to not have to rely on pre made stuff, unless we want to. Sometimes you can't beat a frozen pizza. But other times it's nice to make your own).
18. For my husband. (He works hard, and is a great Daddy. He notices the little things; something which I appreciate very much. He is a funny man. Has a vast amount of integrity. And above else, a desire to better his walk with God. Even if he stumbles now and again, his faith is a wonder to see and inspires me in mine).
19. The blessing of being able to be a stay at home momma. (Even if sometimes I want to pull my hair out).
21. For family and friends willing to babysit now and again. (Which Will and I are completely happy about). Just of a few represented here.
22. Laughter. (At myself, with others, in movies or books).
23. My Church and all the ministries I am involved in.

24. Pain medication for when I get migraines. (Yep I'm thankful for this. Wish I didn't need it though).
25. For the country I live in. (Hey, we all have problems right? It's still the one I'd pick).
26. For chastisment from the Holy Spirit. (No one likes to be corrected. I can remember times when my parents or caring adults had to correct me and show me the right direction to go. Was I happy at the time? Nope. But looking back, and being a parent now, I appreciate the Holy Spirit being there for me. Willing to point me back in the right direct. Usually without much praise on my part. Usually grumblings).
Thoughts for this year as a 27 year old: continue to be grateful and seek God in a real way.
(It is kinda neat to note that this started as a funny exercise, but the more I thought about what I am grateful for, more things I thought of. Some items seeming a little more serious as I went along).
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