Friday, October 16, 2015

Helicopter Mom (with a dash of bubble wrap)

I'm that mom you see when you leave the house.

The one with the panicked look on her face. Watching her kid's every move.

Worried that they are going to get hurt, break something, or hurt someone else's kid.

Helicopter mom. Hovering, always trying to anticipate what my (as I've affectionately nicknamed them) little tornadoes are going to do next.

It's exhausting. I exhaust myself silly trying to box them in.

It drives them nuts, which drives me nuts. The circle continues.

It's so bad most days, that the mental struggle to leave the house and go out where people can see us (and what I think is going to be choas), is almost crippling.

Before we had children, I had this thought in my mind that I would be that free spirited mom because I'm so artsy. The one who was okay with her kid's getting messy while having fun. The calm mom who didn't flip over little things.

The reality became clear quickly. I'm more of a bubble wrap mom.

I hate it.

This new me and her fear and desire for control has got to go!

I know actions speak louder than words, so I've been praying that God will help me to let go of this fear and desire for control that I didn't realize I had until now. To release this stress to Him and let Him carry some of my burden. So I can be the best mom that He created me to be.

To allow my kids the chance to try things out and make mistakes along the way. So they can learn through these moments. To become adults who can take care of themselves, and know how to rely on God when life gets tough.

Some days are better than others. Those are the days that are filled with the most laughter (and dirty hugs and kisses).

But other days are still a struggle back into the fearful me I don't want to be.

I pray so hard that my children will see Jesus in me, despite me micromanaging them. And that He will continue to strengthen me to take one little step forward at a time. Give control to Him, and trust Him to lead my family.

One day at a time. One step at a time. One mess at a time. One moment at a time.

Giving my all to my heavenly Daddy, so that my children can have the best of me.

Isaiah 41:13 (NIV)

For I am the Lord your God

    who takes hold of your right hand

and says to you, Do not fear;

    I will help you.

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